יום רביעי, 26 באוקטובר 2016

Announcing DMA 2.0 and DEA Technical Preview

It is our pleasure to announce that Data Migration Assistant (DMA) tool v 2.0 general availability and Technical Preview of Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) have been released at the PASS Summit.

Now we will be able to assess and upgrade our databases using DMA, and validate target database’s performance using DEA, which will build higher confidence for these upgrades.

Microsoft Download Center links are below:

Microsoft® Data Migration Assistant v2.0

Microsoft® Database Experimentation Assistant Technical Preview

יום חמישי, 13 באוקטובר 2016

Microsoft SQL Server continues to lead the market

Microsoft SQL Server continues to lead the market
in vision with its SQL offerings for IMDBMS, NoSQL (Doc and K-V), multiple cloud dbPaaS offerings, built-in access to analytics (supporting HTAP) and mobility support. Additionally, SQL Server 2016 brings Stretch Databases — on-premises databases "stretching" with partitions in the cloud.

Microsoft SQL Server continues to lead the market

Microsoft SQL Server continues to lead the market
in vision with its SQL offerings for IMDBMS, NoSQL (Doc and K-V), multiple cloud dbPaaS offerings, built-in access to analytics (supporting HTAP) and mobility support. Additionally, SQL Server 2016 brings Stretch Databases — on-premises databases "stretching" with partitions in the cloud.